דואגים לביגוד חורפי לעובדים

Taking care of winter clothing for employees

When the winter season comes and we gather in warm and dry places, there are workers who are required to continue doing their work even in rain and cold conditions. It is not possible to pave a road or build an interchange from a heated office, it is impossible to build a building or repair the road in case of a sinkhole or other hazard without being there, and it is necessary to be outside for many hours.

Public or private companies, industrial plants, municipal employees, security, emergency and rescue organizations - all of these work throughout the year, in any weather and wherever required. The workers who spend many hours in difficult weather conditions should be well equipped with appropriate clothing for the weather to be protected and safe.

Equipment for workers for a safe winter

Winter clothing for employees should match the type of work, the work environment, be comfortable to use, high quality and of course safe. Workers who are required to be outside in the rain and cold cannot hold an umbrella, as they need two hands free. The best way to ensure the comfort of the workers and keep them dry is by using Long raincoats that protect against the rain. For workers who need clothing with visibility from a distance, there are Glowing raincoats in phosphorescent colors that include hats for maximum protection. There are also Storm suits Long in bright colors with a hat that can be removed from the collar, welded seams, rubber for maximum protection from the cold, mesh for ventilation and large pockets for necessary equipment. There are storm suits that include two parts and there are others in the form of a long coat that closes hermetically to prevent wetness.

The workers are indeed required to work in uncomfortable conditions in winter and summer, but the employer's duty is to provide them with safety and comfort equipment that will allow them to perform their work in any weather. If it is cold conditions, Wool Hat , Gloves and coats are an integral part of work equipment. The coats are made of comfortable and warm nylon or water-repellent polyester, with a ventilated inner part so that the workers can feel comfortable with the coats even after many hours. The gloves are an extremely important accessory when it comes to working outside, as the palms are their tool and they tend to get cold and even freeze, so they must be protected. Along with the protection from the cold, the gloves should allow comfortable work, allow touch on the screens on some fingers so that there is no need to take them off very often.

Work clothes provided by the workplace are part of the company's equipment and can be promotional and advertising products for effective marketing. The branded work clothes create wide exposure for the company's name, especially when it comes to working outside. The competition between companies and organizations requires thinking about exposure and advertising by any means, and branding on the work clothes of the employees is done at a minimal and affordable cost without investing many resources but with great effectiveness. The exposure to target audiences and branding on the company's equipment are part of the strength of the business, and they can also be used as gifts for customers.

Branding on coats, hats, suits and gloves can be done in a variety of ways: printing, gluing, sewing, engraving, embroidery and more - according to the customer's choice, the type of fabric, in any color and according to any size.

Quality without compromise

When it comes to work clothes, you have to take into account the fact that they will be used frequently, they have to withstand outdoor conditions, be comfortable and not restrict movement and allow ventilation even when you wear them for hours and get warm. The quality of the material is important, and employers who purchase winter protective equipment for their employees should be careful about quality fabrics and materials. The Shogun company specializes in equipment for employees, in safety equipment in addition to diverse branding when ordering any quantity for employees. The company markets quality products with a standard mark and is responsible for every detail from the moment of the order until it arrives at the customer.